Starting from experience.

Starting from experience

Don’t be afriad to start over. This time you’re not starting from scratch you’re starting from experience.

Never see things so negatively, always see things in a positive light. That way you won’t spend life sad or upset that things haven’t worked out how you planned. Even if you have to start over again. It doesn’t mean that you have failed, so don’t be afraid. Why would you be upset or worried. Think of it as you’ve had an experience and now you need to learn from it. Starting again won’t be from scratch this time you will have had experience. Which means this time you will be able to handle what ever life throws at you better. Or maybe just different, either way it is progress and that is all that matters. As long as you are doing your best.

We are human, we aren’t perfect and don’t always get things right. That doesn’t make us useless or failures. Even though we are often made to feel it with the pressures from society. If you never failed then you’d never learn. Starting over means you are more wise this time and better equipped. Never be afraid. From new beginnings come new blessings. You’d never find new happiness if you was stuck where you are not wanting to progress or start again.

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