Conversation With A Stranger That Changed Her Life Forever

Conversation With A Stranger That Changed Her Life Forever

A One Time Conversation With A Stranger That Changed Her Life Forever

It’s amazing what a simple interaction with a stranger can do. These interactions can completely change the course of a person’s day, or even life. The best part is, that stranger has no idea the impact they had.

A lady on reddit only known at ‘coradee posted about her amazing chance encounter…. Where Did He Go?

When I was a freshman in college, I took a shuttle from my off-campus dorm to the campus every day. A few weeks into the first semester, a guy sits down next to me and compliments my anime messenger bag. We strike up a conversation, and he offers to introduce me to the other nerds at our dorm.

He brings me to another guy, Mark, but then leaves. Mark proceeds to escort me around to a few rooms, and I meet more people. One of these people becomes my boyfriend 2 months later, then my husband 4 years after that.

The weird thing is, I never see the original guy from the shuttle again, and no one knows who he was. That random stranger led me to my soulmate, then disappeared.


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