Conversation With A Stranger That Taught Her Not To Judge

Conversation With A Stranger That Taught Her Not To Judge

A One Time Conversation With A Stranger That Taught Her Not To Judge

A lady on reddit only known as ‘MamaBear8414′ posted about her amazing chance encounter that taught her a brilliant life lesson…

My daughter tripped over one day as we were walking home from her swimming lesson. She landed on a piece of glass and cut her knee quite badly. It was getting dark and there were 3 huge guys that I completely misjudged walking right behind us. They’d come out of the shop with a crate of beers. Before I could do much more than throw myself down beside her to stop her pulling on the glass, one of the guys had pulled off his jumper and passed it to me, another had turned on the torch on his phone and the other called 999 to get an ambulance. They waited with us until the paramedics got there, even got my sobbing daughter to laugh a little. I asked where they lived and they said not to worry about it.

One of the guys said to me ‘Please don’t think I’m being a creep but here’s my number. If you can’t get home, call me. My car is right round the corner and I’ll drop you wherever you feel comfortable. I’ve got a kid about her age so I’ve got a car seat. Please don’t just struggle on your own.’

Now I’m used to having to do it all on my own and I broke down in tears. I called my boyfriend who had just finished work to pick us up and text the guy to say thank you and ask where I could return his jumper to (after I washed it of course). I have gotten a little better at asking for help though.

And I’m definitely not as judgemental as I was.


You’ve just read, Conversation With A Stranger That Taught Her Not To Judge. Why not read He Told His Mom He’d Tell Her a Secret About Dad.