You Need To Start Sleeping With Socks On

You Need To Start Sleeping With Socks

You Need To Start Sleeping With Socks On And Here’s Why…

It is scientifically proven that wearing socks to bed increases the blood circulation to your feet. This causes your blood vessels to widen.

When the blood vessels widen they can get rid of heat much quicker because of the much bigger surface areas.

This allows your core body temperature to cool down at a faster rate than normal, and a lower core body temperature is needed for optimal sleep.

The American National Sleep Foundation says that having cold feet in bed is not good for trying to get to sleep too. If you have cold feet then you are less likely to get a good night’s sleep. 

If you are adamant that you wont/cant wear socks to bed, (some people hate wearing them to bed!) Then there are other ways in which you can keep your feet warm. A perfect idea is to get yourself a hot water bottle and place it at the end of the bed. Alternatively, you can get an electric blanket for your bed. Or you could try adding extra blankets and/or duvets around the bottom part of the bed. These can help to make sure your toes are warm throughout the night.

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