Why Going To The Beach Is Good For Your Well-being

Why Going To The Beach Is Good For Your Well-being

Why Going To The Beach Is Good For Your Physical & Mental Well-being

We are all aware of the health benefits that come both physically and mentally from spending time outdoors. But, a new study has emerged just in time for summer outlining the positive effects of specifically spending time at the beach.

Dr. Heidi Hanna, the director of education for the American Institute of Stress and Reef brand ambassador, has made this type of research her career.  Your feelings of serenity while at the beach aren’t all in your head. Science says that it’s a literal change in the way your brain reacts to its environment that leaves you feeling happy, relaxed and re-energized after a trip to the beach.

Now known as “beach brain,” this phenomenon is both miraculous and not entirely surprising. Read  below to see Dr. Hanna’s fascinating findings.

What Are the Benefits?

According to Hanna, increased relaxation will help reduce toxic stress hormones in your brain and body. Which, of course, makes sense. But it’ll also aid in reducing muscle tension, improving focus and attention, and enhancing an overall sense of peace, happiness, and wellbeing.


Sunshine is well known for its ability to lift our mood and energy levels. So, the sun accompanied by the hypnotic sound of the waves, the sights and smells of the beach can put you into a meditative space. Thereby allowing you to de-stress and decrease depression.

 Also, according to Hanna, natural light and vitamin D are necessary for metabolism, bone health, and immune function. 


Water is nature’s cure to life’s stressors. Listening to the sound of waves crashing has been shown to enhance relaxation more than any other sound, allowing you to clear your mind and reflect in a safe space away from the chaos of everyday life. This in turn can decrease blood pressure and improves heart rate variability. Plus, the sound is not the only beneficial thing about the sea. According to Hanna, the minerals in ocean water help reduce pain for people with arthritis and aid in skin repair and elasticity. 


Time spent in nature has long been seen as an important factor to living a healthy and happy life. When we imagine the beach, we can all easily feel the warm sand between our toes,” Dr Hanna says. “In fact, the sensation of being barefoot (the foot actually has the most nerve endings per square inch as compared to the rest of the body) in nature has a grounding effect and is shown to boost your mood.” This is a phenomenon called “earthing,” and it’s very real.  Spending time at the beach can shift your perspective on life.

Source – Byrdie

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