When a woman laughs.

when a woman laughs

When a woman laughs during an argument please know that the psycho part of her brain has just been activated.

I’m not sure if you are fimiliar with the female brain. But here is a quick explination into how it works. So that if you ever find yourself in this situation then you know what to do. Trust me I’m an expert.

So you are brave enough to pick a fight with a female. That’s fine, if not a little dangerous! But I’m not too proud to admit we are not always right. Although most of the time we are RIGHT.

Anyway… so you are throwing words around. (Please make sure you chose them wisely because we will remember what you said, hours, days, years down the line. Be fair, don’t make it personal.) Also, you need to know if this arguementhas been building up over time, we probably have bullet points in our heads that we are working away through. Don’t inturpt we hate that. Finally, if the arguement goes on for too long, or goes too far, and she starts laughing. RUN! When a woman laughs during an arguement you have lost all ability to reason and you’ve crossed the imaginary line. You have now activated a psycho part that has no limits and she will not be held accountable for what happens after this occurs.

Overall women are gentle creatures who love to love and want nothing more than peace and harmony in our lives. But beware, you have been warned. It won’t be pretty and you might not get away unscathed.

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