Good egg.

good egg

A friend is someone who thinks you’re a good egg even though you’re slightly cracked… or sometimes lightly scrambled.

At this time we should be extremely thankful for all our friends. They don’t have to be perfect, and they come in all shapes and sizes. I don’t care if you are slightly cracked, crazy or a little bit scrambled. Thank you for being you. There really are some good egg’s in this world. It may take a while to find the right one. But a true friend is a friend for life. Some people I thought would be around for life slowly disappeared. But true true friends will stick with you. It doesn’t even mean you have to speak every day.

Some friends you don’t see in a while but just pick up where you left off once you get back in touch. These friendships are blessings. It is so good to know that someone is there for you at the end of the phone or just down the road to offer advice. We all need support and help, so I hope you all have a good friend you can turn to. Likewise make sure you are that friend. Reach out to others and check their ok. Be a shoulder to cry on and offer your advice. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just do your best.

Send this to your friend to show them you think they are a good egg.

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