Teacher Tried To Teach Her Students Not To Take Money.

Teacher Tried To Teach Her Students Not To Take Money.

Teacher Tried To Teach Her Students Not To Take Money.  But Never Expected This Response.

Mrs Cameron is a teacher who’s beloved by her students. Many of her classes involved asking her young first grade students moral and ethical questions, and the parents and kids love her for it. One day, she was teaching a new first grade class about the difference between right and wrong.

‘All right children, let’s take an example,’ Mrs Cameron said. ‘If I were to get into a man’s pocket and take his wallet with all of his money, what would I be?’

Expecting the little darlings to know and understand that it is wrong and called stealing.

However, Little Johnny raised his hand, and with a confident smile says, ‘You’d be his wife.’

She did not expect that.

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