Man Goes To A Bar After An Argument With His Wife

Man Goes To A Bar After An Argument With His Wife

A Man Goes To A Bar After An Argument With His Wife & She Is Not Talking To Him. What Happens Next Is Hilarious

A guy sits down at the bar and orders drink after drink rapidly.
“Is everything okay, pal?”, the bartender asks.
“My wife and I got into a fight and she said she isn’t talking to me for a month!”.

Trying to put a positive spin on things, the bartender says, “Well, maybe that’s kind of a good thing.
You know, a little peace and quiet?”

“Yeah. But today is the last day”.

Read below for another brilliant joke!

There was once a man who was in a bar, terribly drunk. The bartender noticed this, and when he asked for another beer, the bartender politely told him that he was too drunk to be served another drink. The man leaves.

He walks in the side door and asks the bartender for a beer. A little frustrated, the bartender repeats the answer he said before. The man leaves.

He then comes in the other side door, walks to the bartender and asks for a beer. The bartender is annoyed, and tells the man he is too drunk and to get a ride home and leave his bar. He leaves.

He then comes in the BACK door, comes to the bartender, and before he can say a word, the bartender explodes at him.

“I told you already, you are way too drunk, you can not have another beer! Get out of my bar!”

Disgruntled, the man looks at the bartender and asks, “Man, how many bars do you work at?”

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