Rapping Flight Attendant Gives Amazing Performance

Rapping Flight Attendant Gives Amazing Performance

Rapping Flight Attendant Gives Amazing Performance On Flight.

Most of us are familiar with travelling on planes. Whilst waiting for the plane to take off travellers are usually given a speech by the flight attendants on what to do before take off. While there is always that nervous anticipation as the plane starts moving towards the run way, some passengers are not at all listening to the important information given. Yes, we all know that the information can drag on. Plus if you are a frequent flyer you’ve heard it a hundred times over. 

But this is no ordinary flight. As explained by this flight attendant himself. He likes to spice things up a bit and has his own way of giving passengers the important info before take off. 

I don’t know about you but this is absolutely awesome! I certainly wish more airlines would make flying more ‘fun’ and ‘entertaining’ so more people will pay attention. Plus it would help nervous flyers feel more at ease and take their mind off feeling anxious.

This video you’re about to see is next level. He really gets the passengers involved  with his own special performance. He totally deserved the round of applause at the end. 

Source – bocajdemalem

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