Her Husband Had Been Acting Strangely

Her Husband Had Been Acting Strangely

Her Husband Had Been Acting Strangely. Then One Day, She Finds This Devastating Letter.

An elderly woman named Julia had been happily marriage to her husband for decades. Lately, though, she noticed that he had been acting strangely. Unsure of what was wrong, she let herself imagine the worst.

Then, one morning, Julia awoke to find her husband gone. As she rose from bed, she noticed a note on the nightstand. Nervously, she opened it, but nothing could prepare her for the words her husband had written in the letter he called…

“Just In Case Tomorrow.”

Dear Julia,

I write to you now while you are sleeping, just in case tomorrow it’s not me who wakes up beside you.

With these two-way trips, I am spending more and more time on the other side, and who knows? I’m afraid that I won’T come back from one trip.

Just in case tomorrow I am not able to understand what is happening to me. Just in case tomorrow I’m unable to tell you how much I admire and appreciate your integrity, that determination of yours to be by my side, trying to make me happy despite it all. As you always do.

Just in case tomorrow I am not aware anymore of what you do.

When you stick up notes on the doors so that I don’t confuse the bathroom and kitchen. When you manage to make us laugh after I put my shoes on without socks. When you try to keep the conversation alive although I get lost in every sentence. When you approach me discretely and whisper the name of one of our grandchildren in my ear. When you reply tenderly to one of the rage attacks I have, as if something inside me rebels against this thing that takes over me.

For these and many other things. Just in case tomorrow I don’t remember your name or mine.

Just in case tomorrow I can’t thank you. and Just in case tomorrow, Julia, I can’t tell you one last time, that I LOVE YOU.

Yours forever, T.A.M.R”

Devastatingly, Julia’s husband was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. He hadn’t felt right for quite some time and there was little signs. Sadly he know the worst was to come so he wrote her this touching message. Just to remind her how much he loved her, even if he couldn’t show it.

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