Man Walks Into A Bar

Man Walks Into A Bar

Man Walks Into A Bar …What Follows Next Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

A man wearing a large broad-brimmed hat and leather boots goes into a bar and sits down next to a woman.

“Are you a real cowboy?”, she asks him.

He responds: “For all my life, I have been tamed and ridden horses. I have repaired fences, herded and tended to cows and caught escaped cows. I think it would make sense to call myself a cowboy.”

To which she says: “Interesting. I myself am a le$b!an. I wake up thinking about women, when I am in the shower I think about women, at night laying in bed I think about women. I constantly think about women.”

They talk for a while, until she gets up and leaves.

An older couple enters the bar and sits down next to the cowboy.

They eyeball him a short while and then muster up the courage to ask him:

”Are you a real cowboy?”, to which he replies:

“For all my life I thought I was a cowboy, but today I learned that I am in fact a le$b!an.”

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