Little Johnny Is At Sunday School

Little Johnny Is At Sunday School

Little Johnny Is At Sunday School ….Wait Till The End

Little Johnny is at Sunday school and his teacher asks him “If I went to Church every week, and tried to live my life following the ten commandments, would I get into heaven?”

“No!” answers little Johnny

“If I sold my house, my car, and all of my other possessions, and gave all the money to the church, would I get into heaven?”

Little Johnny replies “No!”

“Ok, well if I spent my whole life being charitable, loving my family, and being kind to everyone I met, would I get into heaven then?”


The teacher was somewhat surprised by little Johnny’s intellect
“So how do I get into heaven?”

“You have to be dead.”

You’ve just read, Little Johnny Is At Sunday School. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.