6 Hygiene Mistakes You Should Stop Making ASAP

6 Hygiene Mistakes You Should Stop Making

6 Hygiene Mistakes You Should Stop Making ASAP

We all like to take pride in our personal hygiene and there are so many hygiene products out there to help us stay fresh and clean. However, it may come as a surprise that you may have been doing things wrong for your whole lives. Take a look at the main mistakes people make!

1. We take a shower and bath too often.

It may sound strange, but washing too often is just as bad as not washing at all. According to a team of infectious disease experts from Columbia University, taking too many showers makes your skin dry and cracked, which leads to the fact that microbes can easily penetrate your body through these wounds. Experts recommend washing no more than once a day. 

2. We don’t wash our hands before going to the toilet.

You can find bacteria not only on the toilet, but around the whole house. This means that if you have not washed your hands for a long time, bacteria is probably also present on them. When visiting the restroom, you touch private parts for which microbes are especially dangerous. Thus, washing your hands before going to the toilet is even more important than after.

3.We Keep Our Toothbrush Too Close To The Toilet

You should aim to store your toothbrush at least four feet away from the toilet.. What most people don’t know is that you also want to avoid the sink, which can splash your brush with soap and dirty water from hand washing.

Consider mounting a toothbrush holder on your wall to let your toothbrush air out, and no matter what, make sure to close your toilet lid before every flush to avoid spraying faecal matter and toilet water into the air.

4. We sleep on the same pillow for a long time.

Feather and down pillows are a paradise for dust mites or mold. Over time they can move to a person’s face and provoke issues like demodicosis. This is another common cause of skin problems. A study says dust mites can trigger allergies, which cause nasal congestion, swelling, and irritation of the upper respiratory passages. It also recommends that you wash your pillow every week with water that is at least 130°F.

5.We Clean Our Ears With Cotton Swabs

Your ears produce earwax for multiple reasons: to keep dust and dirt away from your eardrum, to provide antibacterial protection, and more.

As you chew or talk, your jaw helps move the wax away from your inner ear and outward. Hence, wax in your ear canal.

Using cotton swabs reverses that process, though, pushing wax further into the ear where it can get stuck. Instead of using cotton swabs (and risking hearing loss, pain and infection), trust your ears and let them clean themselves naturally.

6. We wash our face with soap.

Some people mistakenly think that if they wash their face with soap twice a day, it will be very clean and they will avoid breakouts. In reality, soap clogs pores and provokes breakouts. Dermatologists emphasize that soap was not originally intended for the face. When using it, you destroy the protective barrier and disrupt the pH level of your skin.

Do you do any of these? Are there any hygiene rules you’ve known about for a long time, but still can’t push yourself to follow?

Source – PennMedicine / Brightside

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