
Two Bankers Go Out For Lunch

Two Bankers Go Out For Lunch

Two Bankers Go Out For Lunch …This Will Make You Laugh Out Loud Two bankers went into a diner and ordered two drinks. Then they produced sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat. The waiter became quite concerned, marched over and told them: “You can’t eat your own sandwiches in here!” The bankers looked

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Mans Interview Was Going Well

Mans Interview Was Going Well

Mans Interview Was Going Well …Until He Said This A man was interviewing for a job and it was going quite well until the very last question was asked. The interviewer said, “In this job we need someone who is responsible. Would this be you?” “Oh yes!” The man replied happily…. …“At my last job,

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Woman Goes Antique Shopping

Woman Goes Antique Shopping

Woman Goes Antique Shopping …What Follows Next Is Pure Gold After retiring from a busy life in business, Claire travels around the country visiting antique shops trying to find bargains. One day she goes to an antique shop in the city. She speaks to the shop’s owner and says: “When I was in here last

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Man Is Lying In His Hospital Bed

Man Is Lying In His Hospital Bed

Man Is Lying In His Hospital Bed … This Is Brilliant A patient was lying in bed, still groggy from the effects of a recent operation. His doctor came in, looking very glum. “I can’t be sure what’s wrong with you,” the doctor said. “I think it’s the drinking.” “Okay,” the patient said…. …“Can we

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