5 Psychological Tricks To Instantly Be More Attractive

5 Psychological Tricks To Instantly Be More Attractive

5 Psychological Tricks To Instantly Be More Attractive

Every person is different and everyone finds different things attractive. Some of us prefer intelligence, others humor and third money and luxury. It is entirely up to personal preference. So, some people might be more attractive but it does not mean they are better looking. It just means their personality is well combined. There are some psychological traits that can make you more attractive such as the following 5.

1. Body language
Communication is not just about sharing words; it is actually about body language too. The way you stand, act and behave around people tell a lot about you. A simple smile tells you are open for conversation, and lack of eye contact makes you seem uninterested in the conversation. So, try to be relaxed and don’t lose your calm. Avoid using your phone while talking to others because it gives the impression of a rude person. Also, biting your lips makes you seem insecure.

2. First impression
We only have one chance for a good first impression and it only lasts 30 seconds. However, even though it can be changed later, it is actually very difficult. So, always try to leave a good first impression and present yourself as a confident and polite person. Shake a person’s hand when greeting them, and try to have a proper conversation.

3. Don’t be too involved with yourself
Worrying too much about how your hair looks or biting your nails may make you seem insecure and extremely nervous. Don’t be too loud but also too shy during a conversation. Also, avoid using your phone because it makes you look rude and insinuates you are avoiding people.

4. Self-care
You don’t have to spend a fortune on clothes or material things. It is important to invest in things that matter such as clean and well-shaped nails, properly trimmed beard as well as ironed clothes. Your entire appearance matters, so instead of wearing tons of makeup, make sure everything is in the right place. In some cases less is more.

5. Don’t be boring
This is difficult because it is hard to figure out whether someone finds us boring (unless they say so outright). Also, what you may find interesting others may not and vice versa. It is hard to get involved in a conversation with people who don’t have similar interests with us. But, avoiding any type of communication makes you look antisocial and boring. If you are not informed about the topic, listen carefully and ask questions to learn more about it. This makes others feel like you are interested and will make them more comfortable around you.

Source – Usefulgen

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