Woman Left Speechless After Stranger Knocks On Her Car Window

Woman Left Speechless After Stranger Knocks On Her Car Window

Woman Left Speechless After Stranger Knocks On Her Car Window …She Never Expected Him To Do This

Tegan Langley was sitting in her car at Pimpama McDonald’s when a stranger, known only by the name of Tony, approached her car. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect what followed.

Tegan shared her experience in a now viral Facebook post;

“A beautiful miracle happened to me today.

Sitting in Pimpama McDonald’s carpark waiting for an appointment a gentleman who I later found out was named Tony approached my car window.

He asked if I knew about the state of my tyres. I explained that I knew I needed new ones but at the moment simply couldn’t afford it.

He asked me if I would follow him to Bridgestone Pimpama across the road to see what they could do for me.

This complete stranger, Tony explained he couldn’t live with himself if he walked away from the situation knowing they were about to blow at anytime.

Tony didn’t expect anything in return but asked me that one day when I’m in the position where I’m able to help someone I pay it forward. $535 dollars, a lot of tears on my behalf, a few hugs, three brand new tyres, a wheel alignment later and the offer to fuel up my car he left.

No last name, no contact number, Just Tony the gentle giant with his two beautiful sons teaching them a life lesson.

Tony if this ever reaches you, thankyou! Thankyou for your utterly selfless act, your kind words, for restoring my faith in humanity.

From the bottom of my heart thankyou!

Also a big thankyou to Bridgestone tyres Pimpama for fitting me in on a fully booked out day and for the great service, you guys are champs!”

Source – Tegan Langley
Photo Credit – Tegan Langley

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