Woman Hilariously Recreates Celebrity Photos

Woman Hilariously Recreates Celebrity Photos

Woman Hilariously Recreates Celebrity Photos And The Results Are Too Good

There is divided opinion the harms and benefits of social media. While scrolling online and you see celebrity photos and it is easy to get sucked into believing that is what we all should all look like. However, this is an unhealthy idea and is almost impossible to achieve as realistically real people don’t look like them or post pictures like them.

However, an Australian comedian Celeste Barber has taken to recreating celebrity Instagram pictures to show everyone what ordinary people would look like if they took the same pictures. The results are brilliant, take a look for yourself!

1.Bella Hadid is a world class supermodel, but even she gets some airbrushing.

2.This is a more realistic christmas tree …Nobody can compete with Mariah Carey

3.Kendall Jenner enjoying a yacht ride, while reality is we can’t afford to travel further than the end of the driveway

4. Much prefer this pot of Pringles as a snack compared to Kendalls Lemon

5. Miley Cyrus looking nicely windswept, a leaf blower doesn’t quit have the same effect

6.Just casually posing in the refrigerator just like Nicki Minaj likes to do

Photo Credit – Celeste Barber

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