Why You Should Stop Sleeping on Your Stomach ASAP

Why You Should Stop Sleeping on Your Stomach ASAP

Why You Should Stop Sleeping on Your Stomach ASAP

Here are 3 reasons why sleeping on your stomach is bad for you.

While not everyone will experience discomfort from sleeping on their stomach – and this position can even be helpful for some, like those with sleep apnea – it can exacerbate neck and back pain if you’re prone to it. After all, in order for you to breathe, you have to turn your head, which rotates and places pressure on the vertebrae in the neck.

This stretches the neck muscles which can cause a stiff neck, neck pain, or headaches. It can also cause increased pressure along the nerves that exit the spine. This can cause numbness or tingling that radiates down the neck and into the hands, Additionally, when you sleep on your stomach, your body can sag into the mattress, causing an increase in the concavity of the lower back, placing increased pressure across the joints of the lumbar spine.

Sleeping with your face buried in a pillow can also cause breakouts, as dirt, oil, and grease from your pillow and hair can clog your pores.

“It’s not bad for your skin in general to sleep on your stomach, but for some people who are acne prone, it may make breakouts more likely if they’re not careful. Hair care products, especially oils and serums, can transfer from bangs to forehead and triggering an acne outbreaks. Regularly washing your pillowcases, especially if you use hair styling products and don’t shower before bed, is also important, as is fully removing your makeup before dozing off.

Another reason as a woman why it is not recommended is because it adds unnecessary pressure on your breasts and can cause problems. It is really important to know which position it is best to avoid for healthy breasts. Experts say that with the stomach position, you are putting unnecessary pressure on your chest which might cause pain in some cases. 

If you’re experiencing either of these issues, and think the best solution is to retrain yourself to sleep in a different position top tip is to transition first to your side. Then tuck pillows between your legs and arms to help break the habit. If sleeping on your stomach really is the most comfortable option for you, the you should take steps to protect your neck and back.

Having a supportive mattress is key also avoid placing the spine in an unsupported, hyperflexed, or extended position. Do not sleep with a pillow that is too large, instead opt for flat pillows that will not force your neck into too much of a bent position.

Photo Credit – Unknown

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