What Your Finger Nails Say About Your Health

What Your Finger Nails Say About Your Health

What Your Finger Nails Say About Your Health

Yellow Nails

This is one of the most common signs that can show on your fingernails. If you start to get yellow discolouration, then it means you have a fungal infection. However more serious problems could be diabetes, thyroid disease, or due to smoking too many cigarettes/tobacco.

Cracked or Brittle Nails

Brittle nails can be due to a  number of reasons. The most common is that your  nails are dry and therefore cracking. The main reason for this is too much moisture, often due to over exposure to hand washing, cleaning products, nail varnish remover ect. Another reason your nails might split is nutritional deficiency, namely lack of iron.

Pitted Nails

Pitted nails are little dents or depressions on your nails. You may get them simply because they run in your family, however psoriasis, eczema or joint inflammation can be other causes.

Ridged Nails

Horizontal ridges on your nail is usually a result of some trauma. However, if this is the case for multiple nails, then it could be a sign that your body is fighting against an illness, and therefore saving its energy for the rest of the body.

Discoloured / Dark Lines Beneath Your Nails

Unfortunately this can be caused by melanoma, and can be extremely serious. If you notice this on your nail go to a Doctor immediately to get it checked out.

White Spots

This either means that you have hit your nail and damaged it, or that you may have a calcium deficiency.

Blu-ish Nails

If your nails turn blue, then your body doesn’t have enough oxygen. This often happens if you have some kind of heart problem. If you notice this, contact your doctor. It could also be due to being cold.
