What You See Tells You About Your Personality

What You See Tells You About Your Personality

What You See Tells You About Your Personality

Here is another image that is diving the internet! While some people see a car door, others can only see a beach at night.

But first why? The way it works is that your eyes dart imperceptibly from side to side to take in what is essentially a jumble of visuals. Then your eyes send those images to your brain, which in turn gives them the context needed to interpret them. Your brain pieces together the puzzle until it makes sense. However, occasionally your eyes send confusing visuals and your brain, frantically trying to figure them out, ends up totally misinterpreting the signals the eyes have sent. Basically, a lot gets lost in translation between our brains and our eyes when we look at optical illusions.

What is more interesting is that we can learn a lot about a person in regards to how you see this image; it can determine whether you’re artistic or not.

Many people who look at the image see a dramatic beach scene on a cloudy evening. The gentle waves lap at the shore, and the stars are sparkling in the sky. You can just imagine that a storm is approaching and you can probably even see what appears to be seashells or rocks scattered on the beach. However, some people see something completely different: the bottom of a car door that has sustained a bit of damage from light impact. What do you see?

Supposedly, people who see the beach scene are artists and creative individuals.
If you saw the car door, you may be more practical-minded.
If you can see both, you’re a creative and practical person. I definitely saw the beach scene first, but after reading that its actually a car door, then my brain accepted it was wrong.


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