Very Ingenious Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Very Ingenious Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Very Ingenious Actions Speak Louder Than Words

A rural middle school in Florida was recently faced with a unique problem. A new fad arose amongst the 8th grade girls with the use of lipstick.  They began bringing, sharing, and trading with their friends to try out all the new styles and shades.  The gathering point for this activity was one certain bathroom at the school. That was fine, but after they tried out all of these lipsticks they would press their lips to the mirror, leaving dozens of lip prints every day.

Every night the janitorial cleaner had to clean them off. But the next day the girls would put more lip prints on the mirror.  Finally the principal decided that something had to be done.  So class by class, the principal paraded 8th grade girls to the bathroom to meet with the janitorial cleaner.

He explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the janitorial cleaner who had to clean the mirrors every night. To drive the point home, He asked the janitorial cleaner to demonstrate to the girls what a pain it was for him to clean the mirrors. He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet, and cleaned the mirrors off thoroughly.  The reaction was almost always the same.  The girls stood there in shock, glared at each other and squealed, and then hurried back to their classes in disgust.  Since then, there have been no more lip prints on the mirrors.

There are teachers, and then there are educators.

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