

I put the thingamabob inside the whatchamacallit, turned the doohickey and the wuteveritis still doesn’t work. Any ideas

Does anyone else get this confused? I can’t remember the names for everything these days, so just go around calling everything the thingamabob. My kids find it hilarious. Therefore, I now have my own language which I created for trying to name things around the house. I can successfully make no sense while talking in full sentences. Its a skill and a curse. I expect people to just follow along and get the gist pf what I’m talking about. It’s like really, when the just look blank, was you not listening or following the conversation. I’ve just explained it all to you. The whatchamacallit it some of my all time favourites. Along with wutereveritis. I’m sure everyone has heard of a doohickey as that is a classic from way back!

But it’s particularly frustrating when trying to explain something. My issue usually arises when I’m trying to work technology. Then I’m not even going to lie. I have no idea on it all especially the names of all these gizmos and gadgets. I’m not even forgetting them, I’ve just got no clue what it all it. So the above is a general conversation I will have asking how to help me fix a technical problem.

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