The Secret To A Long Life Is Avoiding Men

108-Year-Old Woman Says That The Secret To A Long Life Is Avoiding Men

108-Year-Old Woman Says That The Secret To A Long Life Is Avoiding Men

Jessie Gallan is the oldest living woman in Scotland at 109 and she’s got some advice for you. If you want to live a long and fulfilling life eat your porridge and avoid men!

Gallan said recently that her ‘secret to a long life has been staying away from men. They’re just more trouble than they’re worth.’ Aside from that she also gets lots of exercise and eats a nice warm bowl of porridge every morning.

Amazingly she is still mobile, and can walk around aided with a walking frame. Gallen is said to have a wicked sense of humour and still has her wits about her, which is remarkable for 108.

Gallan is pretty old but she’s not quite the oldest person in the world. That honour goes to Misao Okawa from Japan who recently turned 116! Misao’s been a widow for over 83 years, so maybe there is something in being single!

(Facts are true as of 2014)

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