Test Your Brain With This Optical Illusion

Test Your Brain With This Optical Illusion ...What Do You See First

Test Your Brain With This Optical Illusion …What Do You See First

Can you see a saxophone player in this image, or a girl’s face?

Our brain is very clever and likes to take short-cuts and so it basically decides what you most likely want to see.

In this optical illusion, which is only showing part of an image in black and white, your brain has to make a decision between the negative and positive light used to create the image.

For reference the musician is a silhouette, facing sideways and playing what appears to be a saxophone.

Whereas, the girl’s face is facing forwards and is in white, with her eyes, nose and mouth in a shadow.

What makes this more of a challenge to some is that the top of her head is fragmented, making it difficult for your brain to interpret at first glance so instead you might see the prominent nose of the musician.

But what does that tell us about our brain? Well this is the interesting part!

If you ended up seeing the girl first, this means the right side of your brain is more developed than the left. You are much more of a creative person and likely to be artistic. People who are Right-brained also tend to be better at expressing themselves than others. They are very intuitive, good at problem solving and more comfortable with the unknown making them much more spontaneous!

On the other hand, if you saw the man playing the saxophone, you’re reportedly more left-brain-oriented. This means logic is your strong suit and you’re better at analytical thinking. These types of people do well in careers that involve linear thinking, math, and verbal information such as scientists or an accountant. Opposite to the Right-brained people, left thinkers enjoy setting goals and having structure to everything, they work well with a daily task list.

Which one did you see first? Do these descriptions match up with you and your characteristics?!

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