Servers Reveal The Most Awkward Dates They Ever Saw.

Servers Reveal The Most Awkward Dates They Ever Saw

I am sure at one point in our lives we have all been on a pretty awkward date. Thanks to dating apps the dating scene is very different. Here, Servers Reveal The Most Awkward Dates They Ever Saw.

Stood Up And Barely Able To Stand

“I used to bartend and serve at a pub back in the day. One evening, a guy came in and sat down at a table for two. I asked him if he wanted a drink. He ordered a drink and told me that he was waiting for a girl he was meeting for a date before ordering food.

He waited for a bit and I served him a couple drinks. An hour passed and he was looking at his phone occasionally and drinking. Finally he came up to the bar after an hour and a half and told me that he thought he had been stood up.

He ordered a couple of drinks – neat – and pounded them back, started to look and sound considerably worse for wear at this point. He ordered a couple more drinks and I told him to wait a bit. Then he convinced me to get them for him by saying he was going to drink them and leave. Finally, he downed the drink and got up to leave.

Who should walk in the door as he’s turning to go? His date.

She was still wearing scrubs and looked pretty dishevelled. She apologised up one side and down the other for being late. I then got to serve one of the most awkward dates ever. He was inebriated. Like, I probably shouldn’t have given him that last drink inebriated. They made some small talk and it was terribly awkward. Then, he got up and went to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes went by and he didn’t come back. Finally, one of the male servers walked up and told her that her date was having some trouble in the bathroom. He was sitting on the toilet bawling.

We asked her to get him out of there. We called him a cab and she pretty much shoved him into it and ran.”

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A Decline In Romance

“The date I saw started out kind of OK. It was a little awkward, as first dates usually are, but they both decided at the end of the date that they were not a good match. The woman said she would pay for her own meal. The man declined and said that he had every intention of paying since she humored him and gave him a chance. I thought, Aw, that is sweet even if they didn’t work out.

The woman thanked the man and left in an Uber as I grabbed the check.

The man’s card declined.

The man had to call the woman to ask her to pay the entire bill because he didn’t have any money. The woman came back about 10 minutes later, but the man was hiding in the bathroom so he would not have to look her in the eye.

It was sad because the woman wasn’t even mad, but she seemed peeved that he hid instead of thanking her.”

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One And A Half Dates

“I worked at a semi casual restaurant and we would have a decent amount of blind dates. One night, a gentleman arrived for his reservation. I sat him at Table 8. Then, a lady showed up ‘looking for her friend.’ I asked her if it was the gentleman at Table 8. She thanked me and sat down with him. They start hitting it off great! They ordered drinks, appetizers, the whole thing.

THEN, another guy came in. He said he was waiting for his friend and stood in the lobby texting on his phone. Eventually, we caught on that he was also on a blind date, and that he was supposed to be with the girl at Table 8!

The girl eventually came up after getting a text from him, apologised, and then sat down with BOTH guys to enjoy the apps. But, eventually, she suggested that her date was with the second guy and that the first guy should head out. It turned out the first guy was stood up on his blind date. It was such a mess, and the first guy was royally ticked that he was being kicked away.”

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You’ve just read, Servers Reveal The Most Awkward Dates They Ever Saw. Why not read This is GOLD.