Rescued Gosling Refuses To Leave Man’s Side 2 Years Later

Rescued Gosling Refuses To Leave Man’s Side 2 Years Later…

Rescued Gosling Refuses To Leave Man’s Side 2 Years Later

Image Credit: CBS News

Two years ago, Mike and his friends were on Lake Oswego in Portland, Oregon when they saw a gosling drowning. The tiny bird had been abandoned by its mother and was all alone. Mike rescued her and named the Canadian goose Kyle. Mike never intended to keep her; he planned to raise her and release her when she was old enough to take care of herself. However Kyle the goose had other ideas!

Mike has tried to release Kyle on several occasions. He even tried driving many miles away from home to drop her off. But, Kyle would always be waiting for him when he got home! Kyle imprinted on Mike and now refuses to leave! Acting very much like a dog Kyle follows Mike everywhere! Mike says she is his best friend. We love their relationship and the loyalty Kyle has to the man that saved her life.

Watch their story in the video below!

Source – Inside Edition

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