Pilot Takes Off Without Realizing Who His Passenger Is

Pilot Takes Off Without Realizing Who His Passenger Is

Pilot Takes Off Without Realizing Who His Passenger Is …This Is Brilliant

John, a news photographer, was told that a twin-engine plane would be waiting at the airport.

Arriving at the airport he spotted a plane warming up outside the hanger.

He jumped in, said let’s go.

The pilot taxied and took off.

Once in the air, John told the pilot: “Fly low over the valley so I can take pictures of the fire on the hill.”

Pilot: “Why?”

John: “Because I’m the photographer for a news station. I need to get some close-up shots.”

The pilot was strangely silent for a moment, then he stammered….

“So, what You’re telling me is . . . You’re not my flying instructor?”

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