Personal Characteristics Of People Who Own A Cat Or A Dog

Personal Characteristics Of People Who Own A Cat Or A Dog

Personal Characteristics Of People Who Own A Cat Or A Dog

It might seem unlikely, but research suggests there really might be a link between personality and pet preference.

Researchers from the University of Texas examined five main character traits —  extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness — to see whether there were any differences between people who identified as cat people or dog people.

Interestingly, when it comes to the motives of owning a pet, there is already a stark difference in reasoning. 38% of dog people stated that they were looking for a companion, whereas 45.6% of cat people said that they were looking for affection.  

If you are the owner of either a cat or a dog, then continue below and find out what they say about you. 

1. Dog people are extroverts 

Studies confirmed that dog people are less likely to feel stressed or anxious and are more extroverted than cat people. Dog owners might prefer spending time outdoors and seeking out opportunities for social interaction. They are also far more outgoing and active, which makes sense as more often than not dogs need a lot of exercise outdoors, so the two fit perfectly together. Whereas cat people are content to stay snuggled up indoors.

Moreover, they also showed that cat people were less open to experience than dog people.  

2. Cat people are intelligent and curious 

According to studies, people who own a cat are open-minded and sensitive. Studies also suggested that cat people scored higher results on intelligence tests.  Some cat lovers also see themselves as non-conformist and won’t necessarily follow the rules. That can sometimes lead to being unfairly labelled as eccentric or individualistic, but in reality, it just means they are happy to follow their own path, much like their independent pets.

3. The pet you own reflects the way you look at the world 

One study showed that conservative people prefer dogs, whereas liberal people want cats. It is considered that people look for a pet that matches their own personalities.  

Social Dominance Orientation, an ideological stance, which stands for hierarchy among people and groups, tested people and found out that dog people are more competitive but less assertive than cat people.  

Regardless of your preference, the good news is that sharing your life with a dog or cat has been shown to offer plenty of positive impacts including companionship, comfort and reduced anxiety.


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