Garlic is one of the most amazing Super Foods and you probably didn’t even know!
It is widely known that garlic has many health benefits for us. Here we are going to look at just how super garlic really with the top 5 reasons why.
1) Garlic so easy to include in your diet. It is the perfect herb to add in main savoury dishes eg, soups and sauces and is perfect for adding flavour to your meals because it is so strong. It is also very easy to add to your diet because garlic comes in a variety of options, ie pastes, powders and suppliments such as garlic extract. Or you may just have a garlic clove sitting in your cupboard ready to use!
2) Garlic is low in calories. Because of course it is a herb it adds very little carlories to your dishes, especially in its natural form. 3) Improves cholestrol levels. Although studies are still under way it has been indicated that garlic has good results on your arteries which in turn helps to lower the risk of heart disease and reduces blood preasure. 4) Anti-inflammatory. It is great to eat garlic to help with many issues inside your body. But also if you specifically suffer with sore or inflamed joints or muscles try rubbing them with garlic oil. 5) Helps boost immune system. This is excellent to help with common colds or sickness so you do not feel as ill.
However, the main downsides to garlic is bad breath! So make sure to have some gum or a toothbrush to hand after eating it. And as always talk to your doctor before you take on any new diets or decide to up your garlic intake significantly.
Did you know garlic was One of the most amazing Super Foods ? Or is it an ingredient that you have in your cupboard and wasn’t aware of all the amazing health benefits it could bring to you and your family.