My wallet is like an onion.

My wallet is like an onion

My wallet is like an onion.
When I open it, it makes me cry!

I think my wallet must have a hole or something? Even though I can’t see a hole anywhere, but it has got to be the reason…. Because every time I open my wallet up, it is empty! I have no money. Especially after a night out. Surely I didn’t spend that much haha!

Every day even after payday. I have got to laugh to keep from crying. I work so hard for the money I have, but it is literally gone in minutes. Every time I open my wallet to check what I have left, or even hand over the money for something I feel like crying. All that effort to earn it and so little reward in return. It’s all bills and bills and more bills! I guess its true good things in life don’t come easy, and they are gone too soon. So in comparision my wallet is like an onion.

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