Mom Films Hilarious Parody ‘Cool Mom’

Mom Films Hilarious Parody 'Cool Mom'

Mom Films Hilarious Parody To Show You Can Still Be A ‘Cool Mom’

It is acknowledged universally that indeed parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world. There just doesn’t seem to be anything that tops raising an entire person (or more than one!) when you haven’t showered in three days or slept through the night.

An amazing woman from South Carolina named Machel Green, is here to tell us how it really is. She who also brought the world a Britney Spears-infused baby announcement. Just like “Baby, One More Time,” her songs to parenting is are parody’s of a famous pop hits.

“Cool Mom,” is produced to the tune of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off,” however rather than the usual lyrics, Machel takes us through a busy day in the life of the aforementioned cool mom. From “cleaning up the messes made,” to “getting stares from everyone” in the parking lot.

Machel ends the parody off with what is the easily the comedic highlight of the whole thing. She and her girlfriends make it to the club for a mom’s night out. “I still got it,” she whispers triumphantly, as she collapses into bed at quarter to nine.

We think that is absolutely brilliant. It’s cheerful and is extremely relatable to anyone accustomed to the exhausting, if not adorable, demands of our littlest loved ones. After watching her video we definitely agree she is a COOL MOM!

Source – Vintage Marquee Lights

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