Little Bunny Hops Into A Bakery

Little Bunny Hops Into A Bakery

Little Bunny Hops Into A Bakery …This Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

A little bunny hops into town, hops into the bakery, hops up to the baker and asks,

“Do you have any cookies with fish in them?”

“No,” said the baker, “but I have some wonderful oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies.”

“No thanks!” said the bunny, and he hops out of town.

The next day the little bunny hops into town, hops into the bakery, hops up to the baker and asks,

“Do you have any cookies with fish in them?”

“No,” said the baker, “but I have some wonderful snickerdoodles and cookies with macadamia nuts in them.”

“No thanks!” said the bunny, and he hops out of town.

So the baker decided to make some cookies with fish in them.

And sure enough the next day…the little bunny hops into town, hops into the bakery, hops up to the baker and asks,

“Do you have any cookies with fish in them?”

“Why yes I do.” said the baker.

“Well who you going to sell those to?” said the bunny.

You’ve just read, Little Bunny Hops Into A Bakery . Why not read Sunday School Was Teaching How God Created Everything