Is This The Worst Driver Ever

Is This The Worst Driver Ever

Is This The Worst Driver Ever, It’s So Painful To Watch.

I can’t even wrap my head around how it’s even possible to operate a vehicle this badly at slow speeds and with plenty of room to maneuver.

The astonishing video clip shows a 4×4 trying to reverse out of a parking space. In what has got to be one of the worst pieces of driving – possibly ever recorded. The video was captured on CCTV in a car park in snowy southern Calgary, Canada.

Unbelievably, as the clip shows the lady hits the red car behind almost straight away. Then despite when the black car leaves, gets into an even worse pickle. Before finally proceeding to accept help from another car owner.

As part of a monumentally misjudged manoeuvre, the driver of a BMW 4×4 takes almost five minutes to drive the car out of the simplest of parking spaces.

I think it is fair to say the poor lady involved must have been sweating during the whole process. Everyone must have given a huge sigh of relief after sitting through this cringe worthy ordeal.


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