If my mouth doesn’t say it.

If my mouth doesn't say it

If my mouth doesn’t say it, my face definitely will.

I know it is a bad thing but it is just so hard to hide it. I try my best sometimes to hold my mouth, so not to offend anyone. But you can bet that my face gives the game away because I just wont be able to hide my feelings on my face. I am literally like an open book when it comes to my emotions. I just can’t seem to hide my feelings, whether it is utter disgust about something or my distaste for someone. If my mouth doesn’t say it my face will definitely show my true feelings.

I have a feeling I would be bad at poker. In fact I know my face will scream it out without my lips even moving or uttering a single words. Have to say that it is a blessing and a curse. At least people I dislike get the idea without me having to vocalise it. But it is really really hard when I’m trying to keep my opinion to myself. It can also come across as a resting b*tch face sometimes without even meaning to. So people tend to stay away if you have a moody face on all the time.

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