Hilarious Times Cats Stole The Dog’s Bed

Hilarious Times Cats Stole The Dog’s Bed

Hilarious Times Cats Stole The Dog’s Bed …And The Dogs Look Less Than Impressed

There may be a considerable size difference but it’s easy to see from the picture below who is really the boss of the house!

These tiny little cats have managed to push their much bigger furry friends out and have taken over the dog’s beds, and the results are brilliant.

1.This doggy looks less than impressed that the tiny kitty has managed to take over the bed

2.This dog has managed to get his head in the cats bed

3.If I fits, I sits… in the cat’s bed, because the dog’s bed has been stolen

4.The look that says “Human, do something about this!”

5.Can just imagine this dog howling, “MOOOOOOOOOOM”

6.This poor doggy looks so upset at the situation

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