Guy Gave His Dog A New Haircut But Can’t Stop Laughing

Guy Gave His Dog A New Haircut But Can't Stop Laughing

This Guy Gave His Dog A New Haircut, And He Can’t Stop Laughing About It

Sometimes, it really sucks to be a dog. Like when your human laughs way too hard at your awesome new haircut.

At the beginning of the video clip it is hard to see why exactly the owner is laughing so hard. The dogs new hair cut at first glance doesn’t look to bad. However when the poor doggy turns around you can see exactly what has happened. And it is just too funny!

The man asked the groomer to give Stains the dog a “lion cut” because they had to inspect a growth on Stains’ hind quarters. Unfortunately it seems the groomers haven’t been able to nail the look as this is how he turned out.

The poor dog has no idea what is going on or why his owner is laughing so hard. Even his doggy friends give him a second glance.

Hopefully it doesn’t take too long for his fur to grow back as he’ll be a bit chilly in his mid section being that bold. Either that or they sort out the dodgy cut.

Source – Shuteru Reporting

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