Forgetting Things Is Sign of Very High Intelligence

Forgetting Things Is Sign of Very High Intelligence

Science Confirms Forgetting Things Is A Sign of Very High Intelligence

It’s only natural that from time to time you forget something. It can be anything from misplacing your keys or a person’s name disappearing from your memory. What’s more, it’s hard work keeping track of all the passwords you have to remember nowadays.

Of course there are said to be different memory exercises and tricks that you can use to improve your own memory, but it rarely works. So maybe it’s only fair to accept that you’re a bit forgetful and laugh it off as a bad trait.

However, we have discovered some amazing research which is all about forgetfulness!

It is a study which came to a rather surprising conclusion. It turns out that having a bad memory doesn’t have to be negative. Sure, it’s frustrating for a person to forget things all the time, but after reading this it  could be a sign of something to be proud of, the site likewifty reports.

Competitive Information

From now on you should probably stop giving yourself a hard time about how forgetful you are. This new research indicates that forgetfulness can be a sign of very high intelligence. While you’d think it should be the other way around, it’s not!

According to research, people with the best memories tend to forget about relatively unnecessary details. So if you forgot to pick up your umbrella in a shop , it’s probably because you have more important things on your mind.

Instead, if you remembered everything, then it would mean that you have a hard time making decisions because you have so much competing data taking part of your thought process.

You can stop worrying

An intelligent person’s brain lets go of things that it no longer needs, which facilitates thinking and decision making.

This actually makes sense, when you think about it!

So from this point forward, no more putting yourself down about all the little things that escape the brain. Instead, you can think about yourself as a very intelligent person who has considerably more important things to think about.


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