Elderly Man Walked Home After Nice Meal At Restaurant

Elderly Man Walked Home After Nice Meal At Restaurant

Elderly Man Walked Home After Nice Meal At Restaurant, Then He Remembered He Left Something Behind…. Wait Till The End!

An elderly man had dinner at a very nice restaurant. After he finished his wine, he went to the men’s room, then walked out through the bar.

It was a beautiful evening, so he decided to leave his car in the parking lot and walk home.

When he arrived at his front door, he realised he didn’t have his keys. He finally figured they must be in his jacket pocket, which was still hanging in the restroom. He walked back to the restaurant, found his jacket in the men’s room, and realised he’d left his hat on the table.

He strolled back to the dining room to retrieve his hat, and when he got to his table, his wife asked: “Is anything wrong? You took such a long time in there.”

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