Don’t confuse my personality

Don't confuse my personality

Don’t confuse my personality with my attitude… My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are!

People are very quick to blame your attitude on you, and say that you’re the one in the wrong, before thinking about what it is that they might have done to make you act that way. If they bring attitude to you, then why should you be willing to take it.

Of course, there is the saying ‘be the bigger person’, but in some instances with a build up of things it is only natural that you will turn negative towards those people. That doesn’t make you a bad person, that makes you a human. You can still have an amazing personality, but you’ve learnt who deserves to see the best of you, and those that get back what they give.

And it works the other way too! Don’t expect to get the best of someone if your attitude towards them is negative. Be aware of how you behave around others and you will see that you get will receive a much warmer welcome if you present yourself to others in a positive way.

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