Cats Who Defied The Laws Of Physics

Cats Who Defied The Laws Of Physics

Cats Who Defied The Laws Of Physics Part One

Cars are well known for being rule breakers, and never doing as they are told. So is it any wonder these cars decided to challenge the law of physics in some of the most bizarre photos below…

1.How on earth does this cat look to be floating. Half it’s body is clearly on the table… but it’s behind is levitating! MAGIC

Cats Who Defied The Laws Of Physics

2.WoW there is quite clearly not a cat in the box… but just take a look at the reflection in the glass door!

3.Is this kitty trying to hitch a ride, or break in? either way, it’s baffling how it’s managed to stay ‘purr’ched on that car door handle like that without falling off.

4.We have no clue what type of sorcery is going on in this picture. The cat is literally sitting in mid air!

5.Why bother sitting on a sofa properly when you can sit on it sideways!

6.This cats body looks almost liquid like spilling out of the cat bed like that!

You’ve just read, Cats Who Defied The Laws Of Physics. Why not read Obituary for the “death of common sense”.