Boy Finds Way To Outsmart Dad

Boy Finds Way To Outsmart Dad

Boy Finds Way To Outsmart Dad …What He Says Is Priceless

After being put to bed a boy calls to his father from his room, “Dad, will you bring me a glass of water?”
The father was already in bed himself so he answered that the boy would be fine and he should go back to bed.
There was about a 5 minute pause and then the boy called out again asking for water.

The father replied in the same way.

After another 5 min the boy called out again with the same request.
The father, getting annoyed, replied back, ” No, you’re fine. Go to sleep and if you ask again I’m going to come in there and spank you.”
There was about a 10 minute pause this time before the boy called out again, “Dad, when you come in here to spank me will you bring me a glass of water?”

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