Best Windshield Notes Left For Terrible Drivers

Best Windshield Notes Left For Terrible Drivers

Best Windshield Notes Left For Terrible Drivers

Every now and again you’ll come across someone who has decided to park like an idiot. It’s almost as if they have no respect for other people or the rules of the road. Nevertheless, these people have decided to make a stand against bad drivers and have decided to leave notes on their windshields to express their feelings of anger. I have to say all of these are great!

1.I guess this person left very little room for the other driver to enter or exit the car


2.I love how this person took the time to draw a diagram

3.This person has seriously good doodling skills. to pull off the parking note

4.Living their dream by imagining they are a stunt man every time they have to pass this car


5.Hopefully this passive aggressive note got the point across to the person.

6.Simple message really, don’t be a TOOL!

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