Bad Habits that are actually GOOD for you.

Bad Habits that are actually GOOD for you

We are all guilty of having some bad habits, some worse than others. But did you know some may actually benefit you? Here is a list of 8 Bad Habits that are actually GOOD for you!

#1 Being Messy

Good for: Boosting creativity
Don’t feel bad about being a little bit messy. So what if you leave some laundry on the floor? It is a well known fact that ‘creative geniuses’ function better with a messy workspace. In fact, studies show that messy people use chaos as a creative tool, and it helps with creative ideas. So maybe you can stop tidying up, and see if being messy boosts your creativity.

#2 Gossiping

Good for: Reducing stress
Although it isn’t nice to gossip about people, scientists have found that having a good gossip with friends releases a feel good hormone. It also helps reduce levels of stress hormones. So a bit of harmless gossiping can actually make you feel more relaxed and stay healthier.

#3 Chewing gum

Good for: Improving concentration
Research has found that chewing gum can actually improve concentration. A study on a group of workers, showed those chewing gum had better long and short term memory improved compared to those that were not chewing gum. So while it may not be the best for your teeth and isn’t very attractive to be stood chewing gum all day, it will help improve your focus.

#4 Getting angry/Swearing

Good for: Reducing pain and Reducing stress
Obviously you can not be flipping out at any and every situation. However it is not good to bottle up your feelings either, especially if it is sadness, pain or anger. Harbouring negative feelings can raise your blood pressure and cause stress. So while you shouldn’t take it out on others, it is better that you let off some steam before you really snap. A good way to do this is by Swearing. Yes you read that right. Swearing is shown to elevate endorphins. It provides pain relief and can keep things from getting physical. 

#5 Taking a nap.

Good for: Reducing blood pressure.
Don’t feel bad for enjoying an afternoon siesta! Firstly, power naps not only counter-act lack of sleep, but they can boost our brains, including improvement to our creative problem solving, logical reasoning, our reaction times, and symbol recognition. Secondly, naps can also improve our mood and feelings. Not only that, napping is good for our heart, blood pressure, stress levels, and surprisingly, even weight management. Don’t nap for too long though, else you’ll probably wake up feeling groggy and could cause issues sleeping at night.

#6 Drinking coffee

Good for: Helping you live longer
We all know that caffeine is amazing for helping you feel more alert, especially in the mornings. But did you know that thanks to the antioxidant polyphenols it can help keep your heart healthy and boosts your metabolism. Not only that but coffee can act as a laxative and can stimulate bowel movements, helping to keep you regular each morning after a cup.

#7 Skipping A Shower

Good for: Decrease risk of infection
This may sound completely illogical, but actually skipping a shower can be beneficial to your skin and hair. We are brought up to shower at least once a day. Usually we wouldn’t dream of skipping our shower routine, and are constantly cleaning. But showering too often removes your body’s/hairs natural oils and can stop issues such as dry skin. So don’t feel lazy if you can’t be bothered to wash your hair.

#8 Drinking Alcohol 

Good for: improving heart health 
We have all heard about the benefits of wine. But Beer is now said to have its own benefits too. Hooray!
Beer contains disease-fighting antioxidants, as well as a healthy amount of iron and dietary silicon, a mineral that aids in bone formation.
Also you do not need to feel guilty about having a glass of wine to wind down at the end of the day as it can prolong your life by reducing inflammation, improving heart health by keeping the heart circulating. Just remember, to be sensible. A healthy consumption is 1-2 drinks per day, any more can be bad for you and outweigh the benefits.

These bad habits are pretty tame, and so they are ok to do once in a while. But don’t take them too far. Like everything bad habits are best in moderation, else they actually won’t be very good for you and can cause issues. Are there any of these that you will admit to? 
