Back in my day

Back in my day

Back in my day

We played outside, not online.

Parents called your name, not your cell phone.

And if you didn’t eat what mom cooked, you didn’t eat.

Yes, I know I’m old! 

Times have truly changed and it’s only getting more and more advanced in terms of technology and the difference in generational childhoods.

But why does it feel like we are going backwards as the human race we are getting out of touch with the world around us.

Children’s imaginations have gone, playing together in the fresh air is rare as they are all inside alone playing their video games.

And away from technology children are getting far too picky on what they eat, wear or what presents they want. What happened with being grateful for having something.

There was no other options “back in the day” so you got what you was given, and more often than not you were very pleased and thankful.

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