A Young Man Volunteers To Sell Bibles

A Young Man Volunteers To Sell Bibles

A Young Man Volunteers To Sell Bibles …This Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

A young man part of the congregation asked the preacher if he could participate in the door-to-door selling of bibles.

The preacher agreed, but knowing the young man had a bad stutter, only gave him 3 bibles to sell.

The following day the young man returned asking for more.

The preacher gave him another 5 bibles.

The following day the preacher gave him another 10.

By the end of the week, the young man broke the church’s all-time record for the highest number of bibles sales in one week.

The preacher believed that divine intervention had occurred!

He was dumbfounded and had to know the young man’s secret.

So, the preacher asked the young man how he was able to sell so many bibles in such a short amount of time.

The young man smiled and said,

“I asked th-th-them if th-th-they wanted to b-b-buy a bible or have m-m-me read it to th-th-them.”

You’ve just read, A Young Man Volunteers To Sell Bibles. Why not read Lady Accidentally Farts In A Car Showroom.