A thousand reasons.

a thousand reasons

When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down and cry, show life you have a thousand reasons to smile and laugh. Stay strong.

It’s harder said than done when you’re feeling down and broken. But remembering that you have reasons to smile and reasons to stay strong, will get you through the rough patches. No matter who you are, and how low you are feeling, the good will always out-weigh the bad. Even if it doesn’t feel it at the time. Make note of the things that make you smile and laugh. The down days won’t last forever so stay strong and you can get back to realising those things that are making you sad are not enough to destroy you.

You are strong, and you are loved. Someone somewhere will need you. Don’t let the bad over power the good in life. If you are feeling overwhelmed, Don’t stay quiet! Talking with someone will help. Whether it’s a loved one or a stranger, whomever you feel most comfortable with. Getting those thoughts out into the open will relieve some of the pent up feelings, and you’ll feel lighter. They can be a good voice of reason, help show some perspective on the situation. You may to not feel up to it, but make a call to some friends, have a chat and i’m sure you’ll come away more cheerful.

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