A Professional Dietitian Was Doing A Lecture

A Professional Dietitian Was Doing A Lecture

A Professional Dietitian Was Doing A Lecture …Wait Till The End

A professional dietitian was lecturing in front of a group of people who wanted to lose weight.

“The food we eat is so bad for us, that it will still hurt our health several years down the road,” she said.

“Sugary drinks eat up the lining of our stomach, processed food is full of chemicals, meat is full of preservatives, and even our water is filled with germs.

And I haven’t even gotten to fatty foods yet!

Do you know which type of dessert will give you the most trouble and suffering for many years after you’ve eaten it?”

The whole group fell silent until an 80-year-old man sitting in the back stood up and said:

“A wedding cake…”

You’ve just read, A Professional Dietitian Was Doing A Lecture. Why not read Confused Teacher Gets Frustrated By Student’s Dumb Answers.