5 Ways To Train Your Brain to Eat Less.

5 Ways To Train Your Brain to Eat Less

5 Ways To Train Your Brain to Eat Less.

Be more mindful of what and why you are eating.

If you are susceptible to eating a WHOLE bar of chocolate without pausing then you need to start being more aware. The two main reasons for over eating is boredom and comfort eating. Once you understand why you reach for food you can cut out this bad habit and eat only when you want a treat not for the sake of polishing off a whole bar of chocolate or bag of crisps just because you can. This too goes hand in hand with what you are choosing to eat. Are you automatically going for the treat cupboard rather than rustling up a healthy snack? Candy ect will not keep you full for long. Opting for health fruit for a snack is much better for your body!

Plan your meals.

It may sound simple but planning healthy meals for dinner time is key if you want to succeed. Not only will it stop you wasting food it will also save money. Especially on impulse purchases of junk. We all are guilty of throwing extras in the shopping trolley when we see something in the supermarket we fancy. This is a bad habit that can be broken if you stick to a plan of only the ingredients you need for that weeks meals. Also you can source healthy ingredients for a hearty meal that will curb any urges for a sugary boost. Well planned main meals are good as part of a balanced diet. Meaning it is ok for treats now and then as long as your main meals have all the nutrition you need.

Include more protein in your diet.

Protein has the ability to make you feel satisfied for longer due to the fact that it takes the body longer to digest in comparison to carbs. Protein doesn’t have to be just found in meats. Nuts, seeds, eggs, milk and low fact yogurts are also good for protein. It is highly recommended by all doctors and diet practitioners to eat breakfast as this will set you up for the day and last you all the way through to lunch rather than snacking.

Use smaller plates.

It may sound silly but this is all about mind over stomach. When serving up portions it is easy to add more if the plate is big as it looks empty. So using a smaller plate/bowl will make it easier to serve up better portions and trick the mind into thinking you have a plate full.

Put treats out of reach.

We are no advocating that you are never allowed a treat again and that you should throw them all out. No that is not part of a healthy balanced diet. And to be honest would be down right miserable. But if treats are in sight then you are more likely to reach for them. So put the naughty treats out of sight you then you can put the more healthy options to hand to stop the mindless snacking.

Photo Credit – StockSnap from Pixabay

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