3 Forgetful Sisters Over 90 Prove That Humour Never Ages.

3 Forgetful Sisters Over 90 Prove That Humour Never Ages

3 Forgetful Sisters Over 90 Prove That Humour Never Ages.

We all know that we are going to grow old. But they key to life is to never grow up. Keep your humour and always laugh. Laughter is said to be the best medicine. So be jolly. There is no point being miserable all your life. Live life to the full and don’t take things so seriously!

Three sisters who are 92, 94, and 96 years old live together. One night the 96-year-old sister prepares a bath. She puts one foot in and stops. “Am I getting in the bath or out?” she shouts.

The 94-year-old sister shouts back, “I don’t know, I will come up to see. “ She starts going up the stairs and she stops. She shouts, “Am I going up or down?”

The 92-year-old sister is sitting at the kitchen table. She is drinking tea and she listening to her sisters. She says to herself, “I hope that I will never forget things“, and knocks on the wooden table. Then she shouts, “I will come up and I will help both of you. But first I must see who is at the door.”

Photo Credit – Free-Photos

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